Name: Fisher
Location: California
Primary type of riding: Road, Mountain, Track
Riding specialty: Field sprints, attacks
Years of riding experience: 4
When did symptoms start: Winter 2019
What did initial symptoms feel like: General sense of lasting pressure on/off bike with sporadic ‘shooting’ sensations while seated in saddle
If known, presumed causes of pudendal neuralgia: Likely a combination of aggressive saddle-to-bar drop, poor bike fit, and lackluster recovery management.
Amount of time off the bike since injury: 1 year
- Spasms in bulbocavernosus muscle
- General sense of pressure in pelvis (like sitting on a lacrosse ball or similar object)
- Discomfort with wearing tight clothing or during 5+ hour rides
- Noticeable pressure to urinate
- Physical therapies:
> Osteopathic manipulation, Pelvic-specific physical therapy.
>Off-bike emphasis on pre-ride activation (particularly banded work with glutes) and recovery (foam rolling and stretching) > Bike fit and position analysis
- Lifestyle changes:
> Greater importance on relaxation and maintaining a macro view of the equilibrium of life stressors > Deep breathing exercises emphasizing intra-abdominal pressure > Switching coaches and training philosophies
Recovery Status: Majority of symptoms have subsided. I have begun training again and have ridden back into a competitive level of fitness. Racing is underway for 2020.
Are you riding again: Yes